SR 54 - 3/4 mile west of Collier Pkwy. - CH003-E

Location: 22331 FL-54,, Land O' Lakes, FL 34639
Coordinates: 28.18627600, -82.44761900
Type: Trivision - Billboard
Facing: East
Traffic Direction: Westbound
Read: Righthand
Dimensions: 10.6 x 36
Illuminated: Yes
Traffic: 100,000
Impressions: 155,116
Available: Yes!
This TriVision is located 5.5 miles west of the Outlet Mall, 1.25 miles east of US Hwy 41, and 3/4 of a mile west of Collier Parkway in Land 'O Lakes.
Land O' Lakes - FL - Outdoor Billboard - Billboard